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Alice x
Hi, I'm 16 years old and live with my parents and sister in Ulverston (England).
I've been fighting cancer for over 4 years and now I know that the cancer is gaining on me and it doesn't look like I'm going to win this one :( I'm hoping to write in here as much as I can and I'm also going to show my bucket list which I'm trying to get done before I have to go. Hopefully, I'll update as I tick each one off the list :)
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

The The ONLY Honest Iinvestigative News of the city of Moreno Valley,


When Moreno Valley Mayor Richard Stewart Is Asked To Tell The Truth, His Response Is Silence.

 •December 14, 2011 • Leave a Comment
Mayor Stewart had told the public that it is the responsibility of the City Staff and City Council to clarify any miss information made by the public during the publics portion of speaking during City Council meetings, however that doesn’t seem to be the case when that misinformation or outright lies are the making of the Council or the City Staff themselves. had made an email request to seek answers in a truthful nature from Mayor Richard Stewart in regards to public comments and statements made on the record during numerous city council meetings, however no response to the questions asked has been made by the Mayor.
Well I guess if you can’t answer truthfully, or the truth will go to prove that prior statements were in fact incorrect and or misleading, the best answer would be no answer at all.
Although the questions asked were problematic for the City, the public has a right to know the answers, after all the questions were $75 million questions.
Here are the questions which were asked:
Dear Mayor, 
With your last council statements of the need for City Staff and Council to keep the public informed of the truth, by correcting misstatements of facts etc. made by members of the public, maybe you could clarify a few points of interest to me as to some of the falsehoods, misleading statements and so on made by you and members of the City Staff.
Here are just a few which need addressing: 
1.       With the Mayor and City Manager publicly announcing a joint venture between The City of Moreno Valley and Highland Fairview for a mixed use medical complex along Nason Street, can you please tell the public where they can obtain a copy of this publicly announced agreement which we are moving forward through the spending of $75 million in roadway improvements? 
2.       It seems to have slipped my mind but the public hearing on this joint public private project was held when? 
3.       Why is it that the term medical corridor is being misused as to what actions were taken by the City Council on September 26th, 2006. When that action only limited development in that area to developments which would be compatible with existing medical facilities in the area, and not that development in that area was to be for medical use only? 
4.       Why is it that the Mayor continues to rain down praise upon the City Manager for actions which were not of his making, but were directly out of the playbook of Highland Fairview, and merely appeased their (Highland Fairview’s) desires? Such as designating the eastern edge of Moreno Valley as Industrial (Distribution and Warehousing) Zone, which was the desire of Highland Fairview, and was plainly stated out within their EIR for the Highland Fairview Corporate Park Project, in a letter submitted on their behalf by CB Richard Ellis, as well as converting the use of a portion of the Aqua Bella Specific Plan, to a mixed use medical complex, as stated by Iddo Benzeevi in a letter to the City of Moreno Valley in 2010 regarding Highland Fairview’s desire to keep its development agreement for Aqua Bella active during its annual review. 
5.       Why would the City enter into an agreement to the tune of 75 million dollars with Highland Fairview, when it wasn’t able to finance its Corporate Park Project, and needed to create several joint venture corporation with Skechers, in order for Skechers to seek the funding for the projects construction, with Highland Fairview only supplying the land for which the project sits? 
6.       Has the City even taken the time to see how and whom is paying off the sub-contractors for the Highland Fairview Corporate Park Project, to see if Highland Fairview is even a financially solvent company?
Now did those questions seem to hard to address?
Here is a copy of the exact email sent:Click Image to Enlarge
What was interesting however was how the all references to the “Medical Complex” was avoided until the City Manager mentioned it, Mayor Stewart only referred to it a “The Thing.”


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