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- Alice x
- Hi, I'm 16 years old and live with my parents and sister in Ulverston (England).
- I've been fighting cancer for over 4 years and now I know that the cancer is gaining on me and it doesn't look like I'm going to win this one :( I'm hoping to write in here as much as I can and I'm also going to show my bucket list which I'm trying to get done before I have to go. Hopefully, I'll update as I tick each one off the list :)
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Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The ruse to Hire Counselors at Lower Pay
November 8, 2011
Fontana Unified School District is the subject of a lawsuit...
The Fontana Unified School District is the subject of a lawsuit filed by the teachers union in the San Bernardino County Superior Court. The suit is demanding that the school district reinstate counselors that the district laid off. The teachers union alleges the counselors should be allowed to return to work on the basis of seniority.

According to Pat Mazzulli, president of the Fontana Teachers Association, the new counselor positions are “substantially similar” to the old counseling positions. “Rather than follow procedure in the Education Code, the FUSD made reduction in force counselors reapply and interview for their jobs. FUSD attempted to hire outside the district as well," Mazzulli said. According to Mazzulli, the California Education Code requires that the laid-off counselors be given the opportunity to accept or refuse substitute slots before the jobs are offered to new applicants.
The Fontana Unified School District denies any wrongdoing and insists the new counseling positions are entirely different from the old ones. William Wu, assistant superintendent of human resources for the school district, said in an interview that "the district reviewed the comprehensive counseling program, tailored it to the needs of the district and then created new district positions to provide better and different student services…They are not the same as the comprehensive counseling program." Furthermore, said Wu, “The district is not in the business of violating peoples' rights. We are in the business of serving children, but we are not in the business of violating peoples' rights in the process.”
However, the school board has postponed plans to hire applicants for the new positions. According to Mazzulli, no trial date has been set.
Friday, December 16, 2011
December 14, 2011
An accusation of "Criminal Nepotism" is currently being leveled at Moreno Valley USD TRUSTEES H. “RICK” Sayer and Jesus Holguin
THERE seems to be an increase in recent years. Hire a fool to run your school as long as they are related! Here we go again! Charges have been forwarded to the California Attorney General's Office claiming that on October, 23, 2008, The aforementioned senior school board trustees collaborated in a willful misuse of the public trust appointing (5-0) a blood relative, son of the then HR Assist. Superintendent as the principal of their flagship secondary school. in a two minute process according to Board Minutes, at approximately 12:02 AM with no observers left, the Gavel Dropped and it slid by public scrutiny due to the late hour. Everyone had gone home. The alleged actions could be a "violation of the public trust."
Doing so placed the son under the direct supervision of his father and violated the civil rights of every candidate that applied.Given the circumstances if convicted each could be removed from office by the Attorney General.
During the supposed incidenct, HR and the board overlooked more than 12 more qualified, more experienced, women, minorities, and all older candidates. iT WAS LEAKED TO THIS REPORTER that the person placed as principal at Vista Heights Middle School, had the lowest interview scores of any applicant. There is a Four year statute of limitations on those explicitly involved if the allegations stand.
Morale at Vista is at its lowest and the leader is now seldom be found. An ex-felon school employee, stand in; runs Vista during the many periods the principal is off campus.
Dozens of Parents Line Up to Dis-Enroll Students After Drug Ring Bust in Moreno Valley High School
An accusation of "Criminal Nepotism" is currently being leveled at Moreno Valley USD TRUSTEES H. “RICK” Sayer and Jesus Holguin
THERE seems to be an increase in recent years. Hire a fool to run your school as long as they are related! Here we go again! Charges have been forwarded to the California Attorney General's Office claiming that on October, 23, 2008, The aforementioned senior school board trustees collaborated in a willful misuse of the public trust appointing (5-0) a blood relative, son of the then HR Assist. Superintendent as the principal of their flagship secondary school. in a two minute process according to Board Minutes, at approximately 12:02 AM with no observers left, the Gavel Dropped and it slid by public scrutiny due to the late hour. Everyone had gone home. The alleged actions could be a "violation of the public trust."
Doing so placed the son under the direct supervision of his father and violated the civil rights of every candidate that applied.Given the circumstances if convicted each could be removed from office by the Attorney General.
During the supposed incidenct, HR and the board overlooked more than 12 more qualified, more experienced, women, minorities, and all older candidates. iT WAS LEAKED TO THIS REPORTER that the person placed as principal at Vista Heights Middle School, had the lowest interview scores of any applicant. There is a Four year statute of limitations on those explicitly involved if the allegations stand.
Dozens of Parents Line Up to Dis-Enroll Students After Drug Ring Bust in Moreno Valley High School
Click on Link for more details
Click on Link for more details
In or about Janurary, 2011. At Palm Middle School, an eigth grade student brings a loaded 9mm pistol to school with admitted intent to retaliate for being "Jumped" by two other students there. Although, tipped of the next day by a concerned parent, THE RIVERSIDE PRESS ENTERPRISE news paper refused to investigate. 'thee simply isn't enough advertising to be had in Moreno Valley.' The District covered it up. Life in Mo Val goes on as usual.
Click on Link for more details
In or about Janurary, 2011. At Palm Middle School, an eigth grade student brings a loaded 9mm pistol to school with admitted intent to retaliate for being "Jumped" by two other students there. Although, tipped of the next day by a concerned parent, THE RIVERSIDE PRESS ENTERPRISE news paper refused to investigate. 'thee simply isn't enough advertising to be had in Moreno Valley.' The District covered it up. Life in Mo Val goes on as usual.
Teacher suspected of sex with teenager arrested February 1, 2007 | From Times Staff and Wire Reports
The Moreno Valley Unified School District will launch an investigation to determine how a middle school teacher accused of molesting two boys, including a former student, remained on staff despite a similar case a decade earlier, district officials said Thursday. "The issue is that if the district was derelict, we need to know how and why," Supt. Nick Ferguson said. "What we're asking ourselves is how we can fill in the blanks. We are looking to explain this." Thomas Lee West Jr.
Edit by I, Praetorian
Belair, Conneticut. Three incidents involving unfamiliar vehicles and children were reported to police last week.
After one of those incidents, the school system issued a message to individual schools as a precation. Police say the three incidents are not related and they do not believe anyone is targeting children in the area.
“Through a two-day period last Thursday and Friday, we had three reports of suspicious vehicles in different neighborhoods that do not appear to be connected whatsoever,” said Monica Worrell, a sheriff's office spokeswoman.
On Dec. 8 a man living in the Cool Springs II neighborhood in Bel Air called police after discussing an unknown vehicle with his neighbors, according to Worrell.
The man had heard from neighbors that two unidentified teenage girls were walking home from the bus in the area of Deer Valley Way and Tobacco Run Road when a man in a vehicle, either a white panel van or a beat-up pick-up truck, stopped and addressed the girls, Worrell said.
The neighbor reported the man in the vehicle asked the girls, "do you want to meet my dog?" according to Worrell.
The neighbor was unsure when the incident took place or who was involved, Worrell said.
In response to the incident, Churchville and Prospect Mill elementary schools sent messages to their school communities, according to Teri Kranefeld, a school system spokeswoman.
"On the advice of the authorities involved and erring on the side of caution, both schools chose to notify their entire school communities in order to increase awareness of the situation," Kranefeld wrote in an email.
The incident was the third of its kind reported within two days.
Before 6:57 a.m., on Dec. 9, a 16-year-old girl was walking to her bus stop near Estates Court in Bel Air, when two men in a white van stopped and asked if she needed a ride, according to police.
Around 3:25 p.m., Dec. 8, a man in a red, four-door car called, "Hey" to a boy walking along Schucks Road, according to police.
The boy walked away and the car left the area. The boy's parents reported the incident the following day.
“At this point, the Harford Count Sheriff’s Office does not believe there is an individual or individuals trying to abduct anyone in the communities described," Worrell said. "But, as always, if you have first hand knowledge of something suspicious in your neighborhood, report it."
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Our Prayers go out the Moreno Valley Police Officer when his motorcycle collided with another vehicle in that city. The deputy, whose name was not released, was taken to a hospital, according to the Press Enterprise Newspaper.
The collision happened about 4:25 p.m. at Heacock Street and Webster Avenue, Donowho said. She had no information on the collision, which is being investigated by Highway Patrol officers.
The condition of the injured deputy was not known.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
This is COURAGE - YOU NEED TO KNOW WHY. As educators we are loosing the promise of Public Education at the hands of Very similar types of criminals!
Please understand this is a 70 year-old former U.S. Prosecutor! This man, Dr. Richard I Fine, PHd is my hero and model for my fights to come with Moreno Valley USD which also is one of the most litigated school districts of it's size in the inland empire. For over 20 years the corruption spearheaded by the personalities of the COWARDS and BULLY BOYS RUNNING MVUSD'S HUMAN RESOURCES has rotted the structure of our district. One of the former HR bully boys participated in felony misuse and theft of public funds as well as an act of agrregious criminal Nepotism as defined in California State Educ. Code. Another, HR thug, a convicted felon used an unregistered pistol firing at a car fleeing his house with his own daughter and her girlfriend inside the car. He was and is still employed and partially running a MVUSD middle school dealing with children daily, in spite his extraordinarily explosive temper. The current HR coward is mentioned as knowingly or unknowingly helping to cover up the theft or miss use of student funds which totals in the multiple $100,000s in cash EVERY YEAR.
The man most responsible for this system wide cover-up, a man who lied more than once to me when I was looking for help with the apparent criminal activity I stumbled upon, was fired early this year then allowed to stay on with a double demotion to assistant principal. The Board was afraid that out and out firing would tempt him to tell all.
Due to years of cover up i.e. elimination of positions with the power of financial oversight by some of the Superintendents and their assistants, including Bob Crank who was one of the key players, most area taxpayers are paying twice over for there child's education without knowing and much of that money is stolen in cash! Watch for the documentation and names to come. BUT lets not forget the School Board who hires these people, among which contains a documented CHILD MOLESTER (who as part of his duties regularly visits elementary schools unescorted) and a yet to be charged criminal who used the power of the office for... well, come back and see. Another is on the payroll of a local Developer and member of the shadowy Jewish "Gold Trust" and its silent charter and members. An organization who's home is somewhere in Beverly Bills, CA. I have fired off a letter to the Jewish Defense League* asking point blank if they are associated...
Did I mention the possible cover-up of an alleged murder of a 17 year-old student at the hands of a former school district employee? One of the alleged co-conspirators was working here until two years ago. I am still working on that. Time and the efficiency of the alleged cover-up has made it hard. Folks I lack the imagination to make this stuff up. I was as disbelieving as you probably are. Worse yet, there is more than eluded to herein.
I praetorian
The man most responsible for this system wide cover-up, a man who lied more than once to me when I was looking for help with the apparent criminal activity I stumbled upon, was fired early this year then allowed to stay on with a double demotion to assistant principal. The Board was afraid that out and out firing would tempt him to tell all.
Due to years of cover up i.e. elimination of positions with the power of financial oversight by some of the Superintendents and their assistants, including Bob Crank who was one of the key players, most area taxpayers are paying twice over for there child's education without knowing and much of that money is stolen in cash! Watch for the documentation and names to come. BUT lets not forget the School Board who hires these people, among which contains a documented CHILD MOLESTER (who as part of his duties regularly visits elementary schools unescorted) and a yet to be charged criminal who used the power of the office for... well, come back and see. Another is on the payroll of a local Developer and member of the shadowy Jewish "Gold Trust" and its silent charter and members. An organization who's home is somewhere in Beverly Bills, CA. I have fired off a letter to the Jewish Defense League* asking point blank if they are associated...
Did I mention the possible cover-up of an alleged murder of a 17 year-old student at the hands of a former school district employee? One of the alleged co-conspirators was working here until two years ago. I am still working on that. Time and the efficiency of the alleged cover-up has made it hard. Folks I lack the imagination to make this stuff up. I was as disbelieving as you probably are. Worse yet, there is more than eluded to herein.
I praetorian
*The Jewish Defense League or JDL is a Jewish nationalist and far-right organization whose stated goal is to "protect Jews from antisemitism by whatever means necessary".[1] While the group asserts that it "unequivocally condemns terrorism", and claims to have a "strict no-tolerance policy against terrorism and other felonious acts,"[2] it was described as "a right-wing terrorist group" by the Federal Bureau of Investigation[3] in 2001, and as a hate group involved in "anti-Arab terrorism" by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[4] According to the FBI, the JDL has been involved in plotting terrorist attacks within the United States.[3] Outside the FBI, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)[2] and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).[3 are the largest watch dog organizations monitoring hate groups in the U.S.
Friday, September 9, 2011
In response to Craig's somewhat "pedestrian" question...
I tease my friend about his constant walking. He pondered a question on his face book acct. I recommend that you look it up. Regardless here is the only worthwhile anwer: The question belay's the point. It doesn,t matter which is better when confronting the issues of human greed and poverty, irrationality is the weapon of choice. It gets to the lowest common denominator of the human experience and motivation - happiness and fear. This is the place were every economist since Adam Smith has argued ultimately for an inaccurate mathematical equation supposed to predict both the problem and the solution. In this they all have failed miserably. Because we have yet to quantify large collective movements of malleable human behavior driven by undeniably emotional variables as it effects a stable empirically consistent tangible or ideal.
We are decades away from understanding even the entire nature of the problem although many well read persons with their swollen agendas espouse to own the answer. the question is still in flux. Economics are the respective processes and procedures, a vague blueprint of an engine in motion. it is measurable and somewhat predictable in that aspect, Although when it intersects with the emotionalism of the collective, lets say voters, it takes on its own uniquely unforgiving mercurial quality; as predicable in the short term as man's unrealized potential is in the long term.
Damn that was the Sheeeztz
We are decades away from understanding even the entire nature of the problem although many well read persons with their swollen agendas espouse to own the answer. the question is still in flux. Economics are the respective processes and procedures, a vague blueprint of an engine in motion. it is measurable and somewhat predictable in that aspect, Although when it intersects with the emotionalism of the collective, lets say voters, it takes on its own uniquely unforgiving mercurial quality; as predicable in the short term as man's unrealized potential is in the long term.
Damn that was the Sheeeztz
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Offenders and Victims - misconceptions about child pornography
By Michelle K. Collins, Director, Exploited Child Unit, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Alexandria, Virginia
Offenders and Victims
There are several misconceptions about child pornography. Some believe child pornography refers to baby-in-the-bathtub pictures and others are under the impression that child pornography images are 19-year-old women dressed up in pigtails and schoolgirl uniforms. Neither of these descriptions constitutes child pornography. Child pornography is not pictures of teenagers romping on a beach; it is pictures of children, often babies in diapers, being violently molested. Not only did these children suffer the initial sexual victimization, they will continue to be exploited every time their image is traded online among individuals who use these images to fuel their sexual desire for children. These traded images are photographs of actual crime scenes.
As a result of NCMEC’s collecting data regarding child pornography investigations in the United States and around the world, a greater knowledge has been gained regarding the perpetrators of these crimes. In almost all cases tracked by NCMEC, the abuser was an adult with legitimate access to the child victim. In fact, in those cases where the child has been identified by law enforcement, 35 percent of the abusers were a parent of the child victim. Twenty-eight percent of the abusers were neighbors or trusted family friends of the child victim. Although it may be difficult to accept, the offenders who photograph the sexual abuse of children are typically in a position of authority in the children’s life. Not surprisingly, few children disclose their abuse to a trusted adult.
Another disturbing trend investigators have noticed is the dramatic drop in the age of the child victims seen in these sexually abusive images. According to data collected by NCMEC, 58 percent of identified child victims are prepubescent. Sadly, 6 percent of the identified children were only infants at the time the sexual abuse occurred and the images were produced. And although NCMEC does collect information regarding children from other countries who were used in the production of child pornography, most of the children known to NCMEC are from the United States.
Law Enforcement’s Response
Over the last decade, law enforcement has proven itself highly effective in identifying and apprehending individuals who transmit child pornography on the Internet. On a federal level, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) are working these crimes effectively. In addition, strong networks of trained law enforcement professionals are working on the state and local levels through the 46 federally funded task forces devoted to stopping Internet crimes against children (ICAC). The successful teamwork among these agencies is reflected in the large number of arrests they make each year.
In the last eight years, there has been a collective awakening in law enforcement regarding the need to identify the children seen in the images. Today, law enforcement considers as part of its mission not only using the child pornography images to charge a defendant but also scrutinizing the images for any possible clues that could lead to the location of the abuse. Many of these children are being abused in the basements and living rooms of their homes across the United States. Few of these children will disclose their abuse to a trusted adult. Thus, in recent years, investigators working child pornography investigations have begun to examine each disturbing image and video to find a clue that could lead to the rescue of a child from an abusive situation.
History of CVIP
In 2002, as a result of the court decision in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (535 U.S. 234, 2002), the Supreme Court decided that computer-generated child pornography was not considered illegal if no actual child was used in the production of the images. The Supreme Court maintained that these images are not criminal because there is no live victim, hence no real child.
This ruling allowed defendants to argue that the child pornography images found on their computers are actually images of virtual kids and not real children. In response to this defense, many prosecutors try to establish the actual identity of the children seen in the illegal images. Since determining the identity of children in child pornography may be difficult or even impossible, this presents additional challenges when prosecuting cases. CVIP is playing a critical role in helping to ensure the successful conviction of child pornographers.
CVIP analysts, in cooperation with in-house federal law enforcement partners, work with law enforcement and prosecutors to ensure convictions of child pornographers. Most importantly, CVIP analysts closely examine the heinous images for any clues that might point to a location of the abuse. The efforts of law enforcement across the country have been astounding. In the first four years of CVIP, law enforcement has notified NCMEC of more than 900 child victims rescued from the hands of their abusers.
Evidence Reviews
Local and federal law enforcement agencies are able to submit copies of seized child pornography to the federal law enforcement agents assigned to NCMEC, accompanied by a written request that the images be reviewed for identified children. After a review of all of the pictures on the defendant’s computer, a child identification report is provided to the submitting agency listing every single picture containing an identified child. In order to protect the child’s privacy, this report contains detailed information about the law enforcement agency that identified the child.
Image Analysis
The most critical function of CVIP is the ongoing effort to rescue the unidentified children seen in sexually exploitive images. There are many children still suffering at the hands of their exploiters who need to be located. While reviewing evidence submitted by law enforcement, CVIP analysts closely examine the images and videos and document all investigative clues that could lead to the location of a child victim. Once a location has been determined, CVIP enlists the assistance of the appropriate law enforcement agency to identify the child victims. Many children have been rescued from ongoing exploitation as a result of the cooperative efforts between CVIP and law enforcement.
This case highlights the importance of image analysis and cooperative investigations involving federal and local law enforcement agencies. During the course of providing technical assistance to the ICE and U.S. Secret Service, CVIP analysts reviewed several child pornography images of six prepubescent girls. The CVIP analysts had never seen these pictures before, which heightened their concerns that these children might still be in an abusive situation. Many of the sexually explicit photographs showed the girls in various rooms of a private home that provided critical clues for a location.
CVIP analysts began an aggressive analysis of the images with the hope of identifying the six young girls. CVIP reviewed the images, one by one, and documented a significant number of investigative clues. The first clue that led CVIP analysts to the children’s location was an envelope seen in the background of one of the images. Image enhancement provided the analyst with the name of a storage facility. Internet searches for this company indicated six possible locations in the Minneapolis, Minnesota, area.
The second clue that indicated that the victims lived in the Minneapolis area was a particular picture in which a child’s uniform is seen draped over a chair. Partially visible on the uniform was the text MINNEA. CVIP analysts believed that this clue, along with the envelope, could help law enforcement find the victims. In addition to a possible location, CVIP analysts determined that many of the images were taken with an Olympus digital camera between March and October 2004.
NCMEC referred the case to ICE’s field office in Minneapolis. ICE agents coordinated the investigation with the Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and the Burnsville Police Department. The investigators created a mini-taskforce and successfully identified all six children within a few days. During the search warrant of the abuser’s home, many of the items seen in the photographs were seized as evidence. The U.S. attorney’s office successfully convicted the producer of these images on 24 counts of manufacturing child pornography, one count of possession of child pornography, and one count of receipt of child pornography.
Newly Identified Victims
During the course of child sexual exploitation investigations, law enforcement investigators frequently encounter children who have been pornographically photographed or videotaped. It is an unfortunate reality that many of these pictures will be uploaded to the Internet for the enjoyment of others. It is often difficult, if not impossible, for law enforcement to determine whether photographs of locally identified victims have been traded with others. NCMEC can generate reports for law enforcement documenting where specific pictures have been seen. These reports have been incredibly helpful to law enforcement and prosecutors who were looking to ensure convictions on charges of distribution.
More than 900 children seen in these horrific images already have been identified, but there are many sexually abused children who still need to be rescued. It is critical that law enforcement agencies notify NCMEC when they’ve identified a child who was pornographically photographed, whether they believe the images were distributed or not.
Victim Identification Laboratory
Every week, CVIP staff members view thousands of illegal images of children where the victim appears to be in the United States yet has not been identified. CVIP analysts work to identify the location of these children by looking for distinguishing clues in the background such as newspapers, calendars, and envelopes. Such unique identifiers may not be recognizable to CVIP staff members, but it is highly probable somebody may recognize them. Based on the assumption that more children can be located if more people are looking at the backgrounds, NCMEC created an aggressive new tool in the fight against child pornography called the Victim Identification Lab.
In summer 2006 the first-ever United States–based victim identification lab was launched at the Crimes Against Children Conference in Dallas, Texas. It was a cooperative effort involving NCMEC, the ICAC task forces, the FBI, ICE, and the USPIS. The purpose of the lab was to create a secure environment where law enforcement officers could review sanitized, nonpornographic images that contain potential clues in the background that may be regionally identifiable.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Parents, Teens and Drugs: The Conversation I
There’s been a spirited, well actually a heated, discussion going on at Facebook and by email regarding our blog post that asks: Should parents drug test their teens?
When we did the interview with Steve Stahovich of Teensavers, a home drug-testing company, we made the assumption that readers knew we weren’t suggesting that parents randomly test children for no reason.
We were addressing caring parents who noticed signs that their kids might be using drugs but didn’t know that home drug-testing is an option that allows for privacy and protection. We were also talking to concerned parents who don’t buy the myth that it is unavoidable or even normal, for kids to experiment with drugs. And we were speaking to parents who do not believe it’s okay, or even harmless, for kids to use drugs “recreationally”.
The responses from readers were, to me and the colleagues I talked about this topic with, passionate. Perhaps we were most disappointed (though not surprised) by the Facebook comment that says using drugs 2 or 3 three times on a weekend (not sure if this was a one-weekend party or on subsequent weekends) was “normal” for teens.
It might be common, but that doesn’t make it normal. And the difference is serious. Many kids manage to live their lives without even trying drugs once. Many, sadly, don’t.
Some people believe that experimenting with drugs is simply something teens are going to do. This is fatalistic thinking.
First, education and prevention does work. (Not for everybody and not all the time, and only if done skillfully).
Second, until very recently, people all over the world, including the United States, believed that illicit drug use wasn’t a good thing. Now we’re saying since “everybody” does it we have to look the other way.
Remember when you used to want to do something and you argued that all your friends were doing it? Your mom had a great answer for that: “Well, if everybody was jumping off the roof should I say go ahead and do that too?”
I’ve worked with literally thousands of families on every side of this issue. I know that the myth that some forms of illicit drug use isn’t a big deal is the viewpoint that gets the most play. But it actually isn’t the most prevalent viewpoint.
Most parents do not believe using drugs (or alcohol) is a simple, safe rite of passage, even if they themselves tried drugs when they were young. Now that they are adults they recognize the physical and emotional dangers. Sure, not everyone who tries drugs ends up addicted. But addiction isn’t the only danger.
There are many stories. Here’s one: I recently listened to a mom, a teacher, tell her daughter that the reason why she doesn’t want her to smoke pot is because when she was in college she passed out smoking pot and woke up to find that she was being raped. By a fellow student.
Think this is an extreme example? It’s not. Every day at the treatment center where I work, we hear how people were victimized, robbed, assaulted, and yes, even raped, because they were too high to defend themselves. Conversely, we work with parolees and prison groups, made up of men and women who committed crimes while high on drugs.
And in case you think this couldn’t happen in your nice neighborhood, you should know: Not all drug-related crimes happen in low socio-economic areas. I regularly volunteer to speak with kids-at-risk. Most of the neighborhoods where I speak are middle to upper-middle class.
In fact, my experience shows that many drug-related crimes are seriously under-reported when they occur in middle, upper-middle and even upper-class communities. Generally it’s because the victim and the perpetrator know each other or are even related. No one wants to turn in their neighbor’s kid, their own mom or husband, their best friend or members of their daughter’s lacrosse team.
If you don’t want to be convinced that even “flirting” with drug use is potentially hazardous, you won’t be convinced. What I can tell you is that the data tell a different story.
Part II, Coming Soon
Richard Zwolinski, LMHC, CASAC is the author of Therapy Revolution: Find Help, Get Better, and Move On Without Wasting Time or Money and is an internationally licensed psychotherapist and addiction specialist with over 25 years experience as well as a consultant to organizations and companies in the fields of mental health and addiction.
There’s been a spirited, well actually a heated, discussion going on at Facebook and by email regarding our blog post that asks: Should parents drug test their teens?
When we did the interview with Steve Stahovich of Teensavers, a home drug-testing company, we made the assumption that readers knew we weren’t suggesting that parents randomly test children for no reason.
We were addressing caring parents who noticed signs that their kids might be using drugs but didn’t know that home drug-testing is an option that allows for privacy and protection. We were also talking to concerned parents who don’t buy the myth that it is unavoidable or even normal, for kids to experiment with drugs. And we were speaking to parents who do not believe it’s okay, or even harmless, for kids to use drugs “recreationally”.
The responses from readers were, to me and the colleagues I talked about this topic with, passionate. Perhaps we were most disappointed (though not surprised) by the Facebook comment that says using drugs 2 or 3 three times on a weekend (not sure if this was a one-weekend party or on subsequent weekends) was “normal” for teens.
It might be common, but that doesn’t make it normal. And the difference is serious. Many kids manage to live their lives without even trying drugs once. Many, sadly, don’t.
Some people believe that experimenting with drugs is simply something teens are going to do. This is fatalistic thinking.
First, education and prevention does work. (Not for everybody and not all the time, and only if done skillfully).
Second, until very recently, people all over the world, including the United States, believed that illicit drug use wasn’t a good thing. Now we’re saying since “everybody” does it we have to look the other way.
Remember when you used to want to do something and you argued that all your friends were doing it? Your mom had a great answer for that: “Well, if everybody was jumping off the roof should I say go ahead and do that too?”
I’ve worked with literally thousands of families on every side of this issue. I know that the myth that some forms of illicit drug use isn’t a big deal is the viewpoint that gets the most play. But it actually isn’t the most prevalent viewpoint.
Most parents do not believe using drugs (or alcohol) is a simple, safe rite of passage, even if they themselves tried drugs when they were young. Now that they are adults they recognize the physical and emotional dangers. Sure, not everyone who tries drugs ends up addicted. But addiction isn’t the only danger.
There are many stories. Here’s one: I recently listened to a mom, a teacher, tell her daughter that the reason why she doesn’t want her to smoke pot is because when she was in college she passed out smoking pot and woke up to find that she was being raped. By a fellow student.
Think this is an extreme example? It’s not. Every day at the treatment center where I work, we hear how people were victimized, robbed, assaulted, and yes, even raped, because they were too high to defend themselves. Conversely, we work with parolees and prison groups, made up of men and women who committed crimes while high on drugs.
And in case you think this couldn’t happen in your nice neighborhood, you should know: Not all drug-related crimes happen in low socio-economic areas. I regularly volunteer to speak with kids-at-risk. Most of the neighborhoods where I speak are middle to upper-middle class.
In fact, my experience shows that many drug-related crimes are seriously under-reported when they occur in middle, upper-middle and even upper-class communities. Generally it’s because the victim and the perpetrator know each other or are even related. No one wants to turn in their neighbor’s kid, their own mom or husband, their best friend or members of their daughter’s lacrosse team.
If you don’t want to be convinced that even “flirting” with drug use is potentially hazardous, you won’t be convinced. What I can tell you is that the data tell a different story.
Part II, Coming Soon
Richard Zwolinski, LMHC, CASAC is the author of Therapy Revolution: Find Help, Get Better, and Move On Without Wasting Time or Money and is an internationally licensed psychotherapist and addiction specialist with over 25 years experience as well as a consultant to organizations and companies in the fields of mental health and addiction.
In response to the Children of the California Foster System
Since I am on a rant, I would like to share with you some of my experiences in the opinions derived from them. With regard to the foster care system as it exists in the school district that I work for and that city, it is simply another source of welfare dollars for people who are otherwise unwilling or unable to work. These so-called foster families have little investment emotionally or otherwise in the constant revolving door and the children that they house. Very often the mistreatment that put these children into foster care in the first place is nearly matched by the consistent neglect of these for-profit foster care companies and the for-profit people that take in these children.
It is a rare foster parent that comes to non-essential functions at the child's school. In fact many of these parents get upset with the child if they are forced to come to the school say to take that child up if he or she were sick. these foster parents are extremely frustrating to the teachers, counselors and administrators at the schools their children go to. Not to mention the fact that most foster care children spend a maximum of eight months, give or take, at any one school because there social worker who of course works for the company moves these children around to best fill their empty bed situations. Once again with little or no forethought to the emotional needs of the child. These children are often from the most hellish family environments where abuse is not just common but it is horrifying in many cases. These are the very children who so desperately need the care and the physical and emotional stability of growing up in one neighborhood with nurturing adults. Stability is often the key word here.
These foster caregivers make there house payment from the monies supplied by the state for the children in foster care. So too, the companies they work for, private for-profit or non – profit with a profit in mind, companies that care more about filling empty beds than the best emotional interests of these children.
It is a rare foster parent that comes to non-essential functions at the child's school. In fact many of these parents get upset with the child if they are forced to come to the school say to take that child up if he or she were sick. these foster parents are extremely frustrating to the teachers, counselors and administrators at the schools their children go to. Not to mention the fact that most foster care children spend a maximum of eight months, give or take, at any one school because there social worker who of course works for the company moves these children around to best fill their empty bed situations. Once again with little or no forethought to the emotional needs of the child. These children are often from the most hellish family environments where abuse is not just common but it is horrifying in many cases. These are the very children who so desperately need the care and the physical and emotional stability of growing up in one neighborhood with nurturing adults. Stability is often the key word here.
These foster caregivers make there house payment from the monies supplied by the state for the children in foster care. So too, the companies they work for, private for-profit or non – profit with a profit in mind, companies that care more about filling empty beds than the best emotional interests of these children.
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